“Frequency + Intent = Healing”
Jonathan Goldman
“Vibration delivers the most direct and powerful way to reach the deepest aspects of ourselves. Vibration bypasses the hamster-wheeling mind and goes straight into the cells of your body. ALL aspects of ALL of the cells, including both the physical matter and the empty space. Sound healing instruments deliver a message of health and harmony to whatever issues you may be struggling with, whether they are physical, emotional and/or spiritual.”
Music and sound has been used for healing in all cultures around the world for thousands of years. There is just something about music that can move your soul. I have trained with some of the most well known sound healers of our time. Jonathon Goldman has been known as the pioneer of sound in our modern times. I knew about him in Virginia since I was little, thanks to my extraordinary mom, who was light years ahead of her time. To my surprise when I launched my massage therapy business in Colorado, I attended an intensive training led by Jonathon along with other well known sound healers from around the world. This experience was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I was introduced to sound healing of every kind. This training was the official launch of adding sound into my professional healing practice. Over the next few years, I trained extensively with a well-known local teacher, Sylvia Pelc-Larsen, to learn the Acutonics tuning forks system. Sylvia incorporated in-depth teachings from ancient esoteric texts and mystery schools, which is essential to understanding how sound healing relates to our nature as spiritual beings. In the most recent years, I began training with Dr. Paul Hubbert from Austin, Texas, and became certified practitioner of Holographic Sound Healing. Dr. Paul teaches about the evolution of our chakra system and has specialized in using both vocal toning and crystal bowls together.
Holographic Sound Healing
We have existed in a state of duality for thousands of years which has created the illusion of separation from Source. As our consciousness is now rapidly expanding and Ascension of both the earth and humans is rapidly underway, our chakras are changing as well. Our upgraded chakras are assisting us to return to existing in the state of Oneness. Dr. Paul refers to this as the Unity Chakra System. Rather than having distinct and separate chakras which supported us living in the duality of the lower dimensions, our chakras are beginning to merge, change colors and overlay with each other, an indication of Ascension back into the state of Oneness. The word holographic refers to existing in a multidimensional state. Holographic sound healing is way to work with higher states of consciousness.
Some of the most basic benefits of sound healing include: reducing stress and anxiety, stimulating the immune system, increasing mental and emotional clarity, pain relief, lowering blood pressure and deep relaxation. Many famous prophets, scholars and philosophers acknowledged that sound healing would become the medicine of the future.
Chakras, Colors & Musical Notes
The colors of our chakras have been changing in the most recent years. This is an indication that we are indeed beginning our ascension into higher dimensions. These are the new higher vibration colors of our chakras.
Root : Wine Red : C
Sacral : Orange or Emerald Green : D
Solar Plexus : Bright Golden Yellow : E
Heart : Pink or Red : F
Throat : Azure Blue : G
Third Eye : Violet : A
Crown : Pure Diamond White : B
Flower of Life
Sacred Geometry & Flower of Life
The flower of life is an ancient sacred, mathematical and geometric representation of the creation and manifestation of all things. All geometric shapes and platonic solids are contained within this symbol. It can be represented in two, three or many dimensions. In reality, it also contains the mathematical representation of the Fibonacci series (spiral), which expands infinitely both outward and inward simultaneously. Therefore, this sacred symbol can be used to access a state of multidimensional existence. The atoms in our cells, our DNA, and even the proportions of our bodies all mimic the flower of life pattern repeatedly. It is the seed of our creation. Therefore, we can consciously use this symbol in our sound healing work to take us to our highest vibration, in perfect harmony between our physical blueprint and our eternal state of Oneness. It is a symbol of God consciousness and unconditional love.
Crystal Bowls.
Crystal bowls are musical instruments created to resonate a single, pure note when played. A basic set of singing bowls will include a set of seven bowls that each resonate a different whole note on our musical scale when played. It is no coincidence that our musical scale is comprised of seven whole notes to complete an octave, and we also have seven major energy centers (or chakras) in our bodies.
The seven major energy centers of our bodies happen to align with the hormonal centers of our endocrine system: the crown chakra with the pineal, the brow centre with the pituitary and hypothalamus, the throat centre with the thyroid gland, the heart centre with the thymus gland, solar plexus with pancreas, sacral chakra with the reproductive organs and the base chakra with adrenals. Each of the energy centers also run the function of the organs associated with that energy center as well as the emotions related to those areas.
The energy centers work together to run our whole systems on both a physcial and energetic level. When any part of the system is out of balance, it will affect the whole system. At first it might be barely noticeable. However, without correction, that imbalance will start to affect adjacent parts of the body. This phenomenon is know as entrainment. At some point, this state of imbalance will manifest into dis-ease if it is not addressed. Through the same process of entrainment, crystal bowls can be used to restore the energy centers back to their natural frequency because the bowls resonate the matching musical note (frequency) to each energy center. Over time, it is possible to reverse dis-ease through this process.
Crystal bowls are made primarily with clear quartz and sometimes infused with semi-precious gemstones or precious metals that carry additional healing properties. Crystals are known to store and transmit energy. When they are crafted into a musical instrument, their sonic message becomes audible to the human ear as well as creates a physical sensation in our bodes to feel it. However, as each bowl simply creates a frequency as it is played, it is not necessary to hear or feel it in order for the intentionally directed sound wave to be received. When a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?
Vocal Toning.
In the beginning, there was the Word. Humans have the universal desire to feel and be connected - to each other, to our higher self, and to Source energy. In an attempt to realize that connection, we have created language to communicate with each other. We have an innate desire to feel heard and understood as a means to feel that sense of inner-connectedness throughout all energies. However, words are also the source of great misunderstandings as words are simply limiting to the full depth of what we would like to share with each other.
Vocal toning is a way to bypass the limitations of this human construct of communication. Vocal toning is a way of communicating through the use of light language and energy, and when we drop the words only understood by our minds, our bodies can drop into experiencing the complete radiant essence of our true nature. Sometimes vocal toning might shift into channeling when there are specific messages to be conveyed.
Upon going into the sacred space of a sound healing session, Christina calls in the higher self of the client as well as the spirit guides and helpers that are ready to assist in the highest service. When communication begins to flow, Christina becomes a channel of messages, tones and frequencies that become the flow of the session. There is a general flow of using her voice to move through and open each of the energy centers of the body, clearing any blocks or stagnation that is ready to be released. Often toning while playing the crystal bowls, more energy can be moved and cleared. Upon completion of this clearing, Christina uses her voice to infuse each of the energy centers with color and highest vibration that the system is ready to receive while restoring connection between each of the energy centers and throughout the body.
Clients generally drop into an altered state upon the start of the session so that their mind steps out of the way of the process. Each session is extraordinarily unique. Time is reserved for processing the experience, and it is always fun to share that so often such similar messages are felt even without the use of words as we know them.
The Hathors.
The Hathors are a group of interdimensional, intergalactic beings who were present in ancient Egypt and as well as several prehistoric cultures on Earth. They are Masters of Sound and Love. Their gifts are in their ability to transmute lower dimensional energies of fear, anger and violence through their use of sound and love. The Hathors are the teachers, guides, incarnations and elders of many practicing sound healers today. As channeled by Tom Kenyon, one of the most respected sound healers in the world:
“We are the Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to build the new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart.”
Acutonics Tuning Forks.
One more unique addition to my work is Acutonics. Acutonics is the application of precisely calibrated tuning forks on and around the body. The activated forks are placed on acupuncture points (like acupuncture without the needles!), chakras and/or in the auric field. It is a form of sound healing that combines both the ancient wisdom of the East and archetypal astrology, which is relevant to our modern day life in the West. For more information visit www.acutonics.com.
Holographic Sound Healing.
Amazing! Amazing! I absolutely loved my first session of sound therapy. I felt so very much grounded and my mind was so much clearer. I was able to see my problems from an entirely different angle and stay cool and composed in challenging circumstances. I was able to juggle so many things at once and I felt for the first time in a long time I was on top of my stuff! My mind is clearer and sharper!! I cannot wait for my next session. Thank you so much Christina. This is a life saver!!
Kareen, Boulder, CO
“What an amazing experience - intune with my needs, great mix between essential oils that hold the properties of the flowers, and such an intuitive practice with tuning forks! Spectacular session.”
Ashley, Boulder, CO
Tuning Forks.
“I recently had a massage with tuning fork treatment from Christina and the forks are amazing. This past week I’ve definitely felt more optimistic, grounded, energetic (that haze seems to have been lifted). They have a beautiful, deeply soothing vibration. Try it!”
DS, Boulder