Laka herb farm is a small permaculture herbal farm in southwestern south dakota. Our mission is growing pure, potent medicinal herbs, and sharing the light, love and high frequency of these plants through our line of herbal salves.

The work on the farm is all done by hand - from taking care of our soil…to harvest…to hand pouring each salve. All of the herbs are grown as wild-like as possible with wild/heirloom seeds. We never ever use chemicals, pesticides, gmo’s or anything else that may harm Gaia, plants, soil, water, animals, the human species, etc. 

We shade dry the herbs and then slow infuse them into salves here on the farm. All of our salves have only 3 ingredients: the herbs we grow, organic unrefined coconut oil & local beeswax.

The coconut oil is sourced from a multi generational family farm + oil crafter in the Philippines. The beeswax is from a local beekeeper that has hives in our neighboring pastures. Their bees do not get trucked out of state to pollinate other crops, they live in south dakota on their own honey year around. 

We are deeply inspired and guided by the wisdom of the plants and the rhythms of nature. We love what we do. We love the land and the plants and trees. We are immensely blessed by them daily and desire to share that out to others in utmost purity.