My Dancing Journey.

Dancing is my absolute passion.  I grew up in a musical family, but instead of sticking to an instrument, my body was called to become the instrument and move.  I studied the traditional dance forms - ballet, pointe and tap - and started performing at age 3.  Pointe was my favorite because I loved the combined discipline, strength and grace. My musical tastes expanded into world music when I found African dance in high school.  My heart opened as I stepped into the joyful new rhythms of a completely different style.

Alas, I kept my love of music but the dance dropped away from my life at college graduation when I started working.  In my nearly fifteen year career as a civil engineer, I lost touch with what had always brought me the most joy.  That is, until I moved to Colorado.  I became a member of Rallysport and decided to try a dance class taught by Kendra Howard.  It was like I was reunited with a long lost friend and all of a sudden my passion for dance and life itself was completely re-ignited.  

This new form of dance took some adjusting to get used to though.  Honestly, I was totally intimidated every time Kendra said "free-dance."  I didn't know what "free-dance" was, it was not structured and I grew up only knowing dance to be about complete precision in every part of your body even down to your fingertips, I didn't even know what to do... but there was something that moved the depths of my soul in this class.  I very quickly became hooked as a devoted dance student and jumped at the opportunity to take the first teacher training to become a certified Planet Motion teacher.  There began my journey into Planet Motion.

Here the founder of Planet Motion, Kendra Howard, is teaching a super fun class at Rallysport in Boulder, CO.

“Christina’s classes are ubiquitously spiritual!” ~ Kendra Howard

This is one of Christina’s classes at the Boulder YMCA. Christina has taught Planet Motion Classes at the Boulder & Lafayette YMCAs, Rallysport, Soul Tree Studio & Nederland Community Center.


Current Class Schedule.

Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30 - with Kendra Howard - Planet Motion Community Dance is being offered at North Boulder Park. All are welcome, rain or shine. Suggested donation $20.

Although I am not teaching any regular classes at the moment, I occasionally sub for Kendra at the classes listed above and am there dancing myself pretty much every week. Hope to see you there!


What do I love about Planet Motion?

What I love most about Planet Motion is that it combines so many forms of dance from Latin to African to Bollywood to Urban Contemporary American to many other forms around the world.  I love that the choreography is simple to follow for beginners and yet the rich and varied music is an invitation to step into the artistry of dance and seduce the even hardest core dancers.  I love that there is both structure and freedom.  I love that becoming aware of your own body's needs is encouraged and that you can adapt to the class for whatever you need at the time.  I love that the feeling of self-empowerment and liberation happens naturally throughout class.  I love that raw emotion and authentic self expression is welcome.  I love that there is always a reminder to find joy through dance as a companion to whatever else might be going on in your life.  I love that the class is about FUN.  I love that the class becomes a community experience.  I love that that the class invokes an element of spiritual wisdom and holds a strong Sacred container.

I believe that dancing illuminates the whole body, mind and spirit and EVERYONE can dance! Dancing for me is all about having the courage to break free from anything holding you back from fully surrendering and MELTING into the music. My classes welcome all ages, skills and abilities and invite a community experience in addition to a personal journey. Just be prepared to have FUN and you just might find that dancing can shift your entire world!
— Christina